I Braces
Incognito Braces (hidden braces) are distinctly unique choice of braces for those who wish to smile bright without the appearance of metal braces. These “Adult Braces” are placed on the backs of the teeth, and are completely customized to meet the needs of the individual using them. With I Braces as an adult braces alternative there are a few distinct benefits such as:
- Total treatment time is usually shorter than when using generic brackets
- Fewer appointment (every 6-8 weeks) are usually necessary since the brackets and the wires are designed to efficiently deliver your final result.
- Brackets are more comfortable than the standard brackets because they are custom fitted perfectly with your individual teeth.
- The best part is that no one will ever know, unless you let them in on the secret.
What Incognito Does
Incognito Braces acts as Hidden Braces with two different style choices being Lite Appliance, which deal with the six front teeth on the top and bottom jaw; or Appliance, which fixes all the teeth. This can be discussed with your Orthodontist.