Joseph Abrams, DMD

Dr. Abrams graduated in the top 5% of the class with numerous awards for academic achievements and service from Temple University School of Dentistry in 1991.

 Since 1992, Dr. Abrams has been providing high quality Dental Care to families in the tri-county area with special emphasis on cosmetics and sophisticated restorative care. Dr. Abrams has extensive experience in smile design, placing cosmetic porcelain veneers and crowns, cosmetics dental surgery and related orthodontic care. He has been voted one of the Maine Line’s top general dentists and top cosmetic dentists and his work has been seen on both local and national T.V including the discovery channel.

His states mission is to provide his patients with the highest level of dental care, utilizing the latest advances in dental technology and with a gentle approach that provides for his patients comfort and dignity.


Audubon and North Wales, PA

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